We make a point of formulating the objectives of a coaching program as clearly and specifically as possible, aligning our work with the strategic framework of the client’s organization and operating along an agreed timeline.
Our coaching is always solution-focused. Both coach and client are responsible for the outcome of a program. It is our responsibility as coaches to facilitate the process, to ask the right questions, to provide developmental feedback and to make solution-focused suggestions. It is the client’s responsibility to decide which option offers the best fit for her and the organization and to initiate appropriate action towards visible change.
Our experience as well as empirical evidence has convinced us that people excel by amplifying their strengths instead of fighting their weaknesses. Our coaching has an emphasis on discovering and enhancing our clients’ strengths and to build complementary strengths that help them to move from good to excellent leaders. Among other diagnostics we utilize 360DeepDive, our proprietary assessment tool, to support the formulation of coaching objectives.
We think that stringent quality management is essential to consistently deliver high quality services and have therefore developed a results- and quality-orientated coaching process.
To leverage a program’s effectiveness our clients often combine individual coaching with a team-coaching program. Depending on the assignment and its context a combination of both can significantly accelerate change and make it more sustainable.