We support our clients in developing successful leaders. Relevant and insightful information about capabilities, behaviors and communication patterns is indispensable to successfully develop talent, teams or an organizational culture.
360DeepDive, TeamInsights and CultureTrack are proven tools that we developed especially for this purpose. We work closely with a client throughout an assessment process from adapting the item-battery to specific requirements and action-standards up to a comprehensive reporting that always includes ideas and suggestions on how to achieve measurable change. Our approach to carrying out the research is based on three principles:
We provide effective as well as unique services by customizing the design of our tools to meet our clients’ requirements and by aligning them with their specific capabilities, strategies and values.
All our tools are directed towards identifying and thoroughly understanding those issues that matter most.
Looking ahead
Apart from looking at what individuals or teams have done well or not so well in the past we place strong emphasis on what they could change in the future in order to be even more effective. This corresponds with the general leitmotif of our work – i.e. expedite change by moving the attention from problems of the past to the solutions of the future.